måndag 31 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 244
Writing prompt 244
I didn't have to ask how it went. Without a word, I put a blanket over her shoulders, filled up her glass and sat down beside her.
söndag 30 augusti 2020
Writing prompt 243
"It's not like you think! I'm not someone who snoops from the offertory."
"You're not? Because that's what you just did."lördag 29 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 242
Writing prompt 242
When od things happened mom used to say: "When you get old enough I'll tell you. Now go play."
Today she said: "It's time. Sit down."fredag 28 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 241
Hon vek omsorgsfullt ihop stickningen och la den ifrån sig innan hon mötte hans blick.
Writing prompt 241
"Do you even hear what I'm saying? Look up from that damned knitting when I'm talking to you!"
She carefully folded the knitting and put it away before meeting his gaze."Then talk to me. Don't shout."
torsdag 27 augusti 2020
onsdag 26 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 239
Writing prompt 239
"To make a fire give warmth as long as there is firewood, but setting fire to a quantum-reactor gives warmth for the rest of your life" is the stupidest saying I know.
tisdag 25 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 238
"Det finns ingenting som talar för att vi kommer att överleva fram till vintern."
"Nej nej, men om."
Writing prompt 238
"What's wrong with having some warm clothes for the winter?"
"There is nothing indicating that we will survive until winter.""No no, but if."
måndag 24 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 237
"Jag berättar ju nu..."
"Ett officiellt uttalande", fräste hon, "du borde ha berättat för mig först!"
Writing prompt 237
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm telling you now...""A public announcement", she snarled, "you should have told me first!"
söndag 23 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 236
Writing prompt 236
Both staff and customers are amazed when the leader of the world's biggest terror-organization walks into the fast-food restaurant. But the boy at the counter unenthusiastically takes his order and start making the burger.
lördag 22 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 235
"Lite av varje. Nål och tråd, yxa, choklad, bensin..."
"Tror du verkligen vi behöver det?"
"Nej, men man vet aldrig."
Writing prompt 235
"Oh, what a bag! What do you got there?"
"This and that. Needle and thread, chocolate, petrol...""Do you really think we need that?"
"No, but you never know."
fredag 21 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 234
Writing prompt 234
When the grasshoppers came in locusts that darkened the sky, the State had sprayed the fields by force.
torsdag 20 augusti 2020
onsdag 19 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 232
Writing prompt 232
When dad opened the door and saw who had knocked his face turned white. Without speaking a word the visitor entered and sat down at the table. At last, dad said:
"Sit down, there is something you need to know."
tisdag 18 augusti 2020
måndag 17 augusti 2020
söndag 16 augusti 2020
lördag 15 augusti 2020
fredag 14 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 227
Writing prompt 227
The sot elves also normally had an unpleasant odor. Soaking of sweat after the fast ride the doorman hesitated to let them in. A hiss and three pairs of bared teeth made him think otherwise.
torsdag 13 augusti 2020
onsdag 12 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 225
Writing prompt 225
"The one who picks gjin-fruit eats with one hand" they say a lot here. I never really understood what it meant. Not until today.
tisdag 11 augusti 2020
måndag 10 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 223
Writing prompt 223
"Could you be quiet, just for one minute, please?! Is that too much to ask?"
"You're the demon in my head. I don't think you have the right to demand something from me."söndag 9 augusti 2020
Writing prompt 222
Some experiences are more useful than others. That it wasn't the first time I was both handcuffed and gagged in the trunk of a Volvo turned out to be a great advantage.
Skrivuppmaning 222
lördag 8 augusti 2020
Skrivuppmaning 221
"Han är väl värld en andra chans? Han kanske har ändrats?"
"Han fick dig uppsagd."
fredag 7 augusti 2020
Writing prompt 220
"Ugh, we could have been anywhere but in this damned brushy woods. We could have been at home eating pizza!"
"Wasn't it you who wanted to save the world?""I didn't know it would be raining..."
Skrivuppmaning 220
"Var det inte du som ville rädda världen?"
"Jag viste inte att det skulle regna..."